Field Maintenance


Coaches and Volunteers…
Please review and implement these field maintenance guidelines.

Pitchers Mound

Drag the pitchers mound  by starting at the perimeter of the dirt area and circling in towards the pitching mound

Home Plate

Drag the home plate dirt area starting at the perimeter of the dirt area and circling in towards home plate

1st and 3rd Basepaths

Rake the basepath up and down (for example, home to first or first to home, same with third base).  Do not rake the basepaths side to side.

Rake the basepaths with the smooth side of the rake, lightly raking the surface.

Infield Dirt Area

Start at the perimeter of the infield dirt area (outer portion of the dirt area where the infield dirt meets the outfield grass) working your way back and forth moving closer to the center until  the infield is dragged..


1. do not place any carpet on the mound or home plate.

2. do not rake the field with the teeth down onto the soil.  Always use the flat part of the rake.